Heyo - My audio works perfectly fine inside the editor, but when packaged the game is completely silent. I’m using Unreal Engine 4.18.
In Unreal, if I select Validate FMOD, I get the following message:
The Studio tool is different to the version the integration was built against. The integration may not be able to load the banks that the tool builds.
Built Version: 1.10.04
DLL Version: 1.10.04
Studio Version: -83684416.675.-357658432
We recommend using the Studio tool that matches the integration.
I’ve tried re-downloading the integration and reinstalling the executable and I continue to get the above message. I am also getting errors during packaging about not finding ‘OculusSpatializerFMOD’ plugin. I’ve verified that it is in the FMOD Plugins folder. Any ideas? Thanks!
Unreal 4.18
Windows 10
8g RAM