Studio Event Emitter Play Event Issue

Currently working on a game in Unity and have the Studio Event Emitter set to play an event on Object Disable. The GameObject its on is disabled on scene load (run time) through its parent object. When its enabled during gameplay, the sound triggers despite it being set to Object Disable. It then triggers again properly when the GameObject is disabled. Maybe it has something to do with the GameObject being disabled on load?

Any info is appreciated.


Thank you for sharing the information.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to reproduce the issue on my end.

Could I please confirm the version of the FMOD Unity integration you’re using?

Could you please clarify this? Just to ensure I’m not testing something differently.

Are you saying that the child GameObject with the Event Emitter is initially disabled by its parent GameObject’s script in Start() (which should trigger the sound at this stage)? Then, when the child GameObject is re-enabled during gameplay, it unexpectedly triggers the sound again, despite the Event Emitter being set to play only when the child GameObject is disabled?


This is on the latest build from Nov 11th. 2.02.25

I can send you a video demonstrating the problem if you like? Id rather not post it publicly since the game is in production, but if the forums allow i could private message you the video. You will see that when the gameobject is enabled, the sound triggers despite the Studio Event Emitter being set to Object Disable.

Thank you Matt, that’s would be a great help.

You should be able to upload it through your FMOD Profiler now.


Ok that is uploaded to my profile, not sure if i need to do anything else for you to see it. All sound is turned off expect that one sound to make it obvious. Its a button sound that you can hear triggers when the gameobject FullScreenClaimPrizeClick is enabled, despite the FMOD studio event emitter being set to Object disable. It does trigger correctly on Object disable as you can hear.

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Hi Matt,

Thank you for sharing the video. It does show that the event is being triggered when it becomes active, despite it being set to OnDisable. Unfortunately, I’ve still been unable to reproduce the issue on my end using a similar setup.

Would it be possible for you to share your Unity project, or a simplified version where the issue still occurs? This would help in diagnosing and resolving the problem more effectively.