I’ve updated to Fmod 2.0 and found out that we are having deployment issues connected to the change of MasterBankName. The issue stems from the fact, that for deployment I have to configure the plugin to load early to prevent async loading issues:
“Name”: “FMODStudio”,
“Type”: “CookedOnly”,
“LoadingPhase”: “PreEarlyLoadingScreen”
At this point FMOD obviously doesn’t obtain the correct MasterBankName from UnrealEngine ini and falls back to “Master.bank”.
It should be easy to fix in the constructor of FMODSettings.cpp in UE4 plugin
UFMODSettings::UFMODSettings(const FObjectInitializer &ObjectInitializer)
: Super(ObjectInitializer)
MasterBankName = TEXT(“Master Bank”);
I fixed that myself, but it would be great to have it in official builds since I see no way how to change the name in FMOD Studio .