I’m making a rhythm game, where the user has to press buttons in sync with symbols moving on a track (think Guitar Hero or Dance Revolution). I’ve got the track, the button patterns and everything working by a script called Rhythm.cs, but I still need to sync the rhythm patterns to the music played by FMOD. I’ve searched everywhere about beat syncing in FMOD, and all lead to this tutorial: https://www.fmod.com/resources/documentation-unity?version=2.0&page=examples-timeline-callbacks.html
But to me that just looks like a blob of code without any instructions how to use it, or how to do different things. Could anyone please help me understand and use it?
What I need is:
1. Fetch tempo of the music from FMOD to Rhythm.cs. Maybe also time signature, but everything is 4/4 by default.
2. I need to wait to the start of a measure to start the rhythm game in Rhythm.cs, so that the button pattern will align to the beats. So I need FMOD to tell me when the next measure starts. I don’t know if it’s necessary, but I’ve added markers in FMOD Studio into start of every measure, just in case.
3. I probably need to check the start of the measures periodically, so the patterns stay in sync.
4. Alternatively it would be good to get info of every beat, but start of the measures will be fine for now.
5. Also, the music is going to loop obviously, so it has to work with that.
Can anyone please help me to get started?