This Should Be Simple! Snapshot Effects are Triggering Even When it's Off

Hi all,
I’ve worked with Snapshots before with no issues, but for some reason, trying to do the simple “LPF during pause menu” isn’t working for me. I have created a Snapshot, where I put an LPF and volume reduction, and when it’s activated (i.e.: I hit play) the volume reduction works. However, the LPF is affecting everything even when the Snapshot isn’t being played.

There is no such thing as a “snapshot effect.” Snapshots can change the values of properties, but can’t change what effects are present in a signal chain.

To demonstrate this, deselect the snapshot in your screenshot. You’ll notice that the lowpass effect does not disappear even when no snapshot is selected.

If you want the lowpass effect to not affect the mix of your game when the snapshot is not active, there are two possible ways to do that.

If you are using FMOD Studio version 2.03.00 or later, you can automate the wet/dry level of the effect such that it has ne effect on the base mix. To do this, right-click on the effect and select “Enable Wet/Dry” from the context menu. Set the Wet/Dry slider to “All Dry” in the base mix, and set it to “All Wet” in the snapshot.

Alternatively, if you are using an older version of FMOD Studio, set the value of cutoff property of the Lowpass effect such that it does not audibly affect your mix in the base mix, and to a value where it affects the mix in your snapshot. This method is less resource-efficient than the 2.03.00 method described above.

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