So i have some sounds Engine start, Idle, Low RPM, Medium RPM and High RPM, that i am trying to blend nicely with an RPM parameter.
I have a Event called PZ Engine with audio tracks for Idle, Low, Medium and High RPM, added automation for the volume and pitch shifter to the rpm,
Kind of hit road block when i noticed that the pitch shifter on the RPM tracks was not changing the speed off the sound only the pitch, the only way i can get the pitch shifter to change the speed off the sound and pitch is if i do the pitch shifting on the master track of the engine event, but that does not work for me since i need the automation to be set up per RPM sound track with the way i have set it up,
So to get to the point of my post…
That’s why i am looking for a better way off doing it like should i be doing the “blending” off engine RPM sounds in FMOD with one event or maybe split them into each there own event,or maybe just split them and do the RPM blending in Unreal engine?
And is there a way to make pitch shifter both change speed and pitch on a events track or its only on the master track?
You can’t automate the pitches of individual audio tracks - but you can automate the pitch properties of individual instruments. In your event, it looks like you have one instrument per track, so you should be able to select each of those instruments, right-click on their pitch properties, and select “add automation” to automate them on your RPM parameter.