Hi, just checking if anyone knows when the plugin for UE5.5 will be out
yup waiting for it too
Any info here FMOD!
We are in the process of releasing FMOD for Unreal built for UE5.5, but in the meantime you are able to use the version built for UE5.4 without issue (it will need to recompile the plugin for the new engine version).
Recompiling it doesnt work - basically useless now for my project - and 2 weeks is a long time in this business!
it does work. i had no trouble. did you update vscode and the nuget packages?
hi yes I triedusing visual studio - what steps did you do if you dont mind me asking - or better could you possibly share the fmod unreal/nianigara plugin compiled?
ouh, i dont use the niagara sorry, i removed it from my own project. after upgrading to ue5.5.
check your VS code version. after that you have to reset your nuget packages. just google that.
sorry i mean how did you build it - i have visual studio installed etc? @cameron-fmod ?
- Go to your project folder.
- There you should find a file called {ProjectName}.sln. If that doesn’t exist right click on the {ProjectName}.uproject and select Generate Visual Studio Project Files.
- Open the .sln file, it should launch Visual Studio.
- Make sure on the top panel to the left of the green button which says Attach… it says Development Editor and Win64.
- Click on Build → Build Solution. That might take anywhere from 15min to a couple of hours so be patient.
- If that fails, then try Build → Clean Solution and then Build → Build Solution
ok i have just wasted several hours on this - it does not compile on my system. I am sure you will get me back possible as a customer when you support 5.5 - I am off to WWise
perhaps you should provide logs and error messages.
perhaps they just supply a 5.5 compiled plugin for me so i dont have to waste more time? Sorry this is p##sing me off - i have lost so much time on it already
If they know it works why not just put out a link for the plugin?
We are happy to help you out if you are able to provide more information, like error logs, and we thank you for your patience until our official release comes out.
why cant you just give me a link to compiled version of the plugin to use - rather than me going through all of the process again?
Maybe sharing the compiled version officially is not that simple (see it’s in Early Access) and realize that attitude wont get you any help, anywhere. I read this thread and people try for nothing but help you.
Thanks for the reply @cameron-fmod . Ill try to compile for UE5.5
I’ve managed to recompile it no problem. The only trouble is an anoying error message when I start the editor saying This version of FMod bla bla bla… but it works for now…