Unreal engine 5.1 support

Is Fmod integration for Unreal engine 5.0 compatible with UE 5.1? If no, when is support for 5.1 planned?

Thank you.

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No, it won’t be compatible.

Unfortunately, I cannot provide a timeline. However, we have an early access version of the 5.1 plugins available on our GitHub here: GitHub - fmod/fmod-for-unreal at 2.02-UE5.1. It will have to be rebuilt, the instructions for doing so can be found under Unreal Integration | User Guide.

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hi, thank you for your response

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Hi, Connor.
How can we follow up and get notified when 5.1 platform libraries get released?

Would definitely love to hear a little bit more on this. Our project is in 5.1 and I’d prefer not to use an early access version of the plugin if possible.


You can sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of any fmod.com page for the latest updates.


Unfortunately, the only available version of FMOD for 5.1 is the early access version.

There is now a 5.1 release on the official download page but UE says this version needs to be re-built. Is this correct?


Where does UE say the plugin needs to be rebuilt?

If you are downloading the 5.1 plugin from our downloads page here: https://fmod.com/download. Then it will not need to be rebuilt.

Hope this helps!

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Ok, I did download that one - and it asked to rebuild it when starting my UE 5.1 project?

Was this a new UE project or a project that already had an FMOD plugin installed? e.g. the early access version of the FMOD Plugin.

A project that previously had Fmod installed (updated from 5 to 5.1)

Ok, a couple of things to check:

  1. Did you completely remove FMOD from the project before trying to update?
  2. Is the project connected to any form of source control?
  3. It might also be worth trying to recompile the plugin. Explained further under Unreal Integration | User Guide.

Let me know if that helps!

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Hi, 1 = yes, 2 = no, 3 = I get this error even if I install Fmod to the 5.1 engine and try to make a new project.
Screenshot 2022-12-06 114808

I have Fmod 2.02.11 Installed.

What is the directory you are installing the plugin?

The plugin needs to be installed in the project files, explained under Unreal Integration | User Guide, not in the engine plugins folder.

Hope this helps!


Oh I see, editor install is only for older versions now?

Anyhow. I made a blank 5.1 project. I added the FMODStudio folder from “fmodstudio20211ue5.1win64” to the plugins folder. Upon opening I was asked to rebuild. (I assume this is not the expected behavior?) Anyhow, I did - and it worked. I then copied the FMOD folder to my working project and FMOD is now working!


I have the same problem here, I tried your solution, start a new project, rebuild when asked, but it didn’t work, I keep getting error message

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I’m sure Connor will hop in here, but in the meantime I should mention that I also saw an error message - yet when I opened the project after that FMod was installed and working.



What directory are you installing the FMODStudio plugin too?

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What did the error message say? Did this only happen once?

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