Unity 3D integration


First off, I’m really looking forward to FMOD Studio!

Will there be Unity integration? Or are you at least planning something like that?


Hi Moritz
We’re working with Unity right now to see how we can fit Studio in with their plans.


Any news on this?


Hi Moritz,

We can’t make any official announcement at this point, but we are still in discussions with Unity and it is looking promising.

Hey Peter,

Alright - sounds exciting!


Unity has dropped the ball on this one. I wish there was a plug-in architecture for integrating fmod Designer (at least) in Unity but if you follow the Unity forums, this has been requested for a looooong time. And still nada. :roll:
It’s really up to Unity to add this to their road map, it’s not the responsibility of fairlight.

There are other audio solutions for fmod “like” behaviour although far from fmod, they will provide a solution for those of us that can’t wait.

Fabric 2.0


You can just drop our DLLs in the Editor folder and use the C# wrapper to use FMOD Designer with Unity. I have been playing around with it and it works fine. There will the usual issues of linking native code to a unity project which is platform dependent but based on my testing it works on win/mac with Unity free.

Correct. We are doing this Armillo http://www.indiedb.com/games/armillo-the-parallel-universe-mystery and so far for PC playback it’s working.

James (Software Engineer from Fuzzy Wuzzy Games) says:

1.) Create Assets/Plugins folder, copy .dll’s there from FMOD’s API folder
2.) Copy source files from api/csharp to somewhere in your scripts folder
3.) Enjoy and use FMod API

Hi Peter!

I was wondering if there were any more developments you could comment about regarding Unity?