Unity Android Split build not finding Banks in OBB

Hi, we upgraded to FMOD Unity 2.01.12 and all seemed well until we built an Android Split Binary for the Google Play Store.
The AndroidUseOBB value appears to not be set the way it was in 2.01.11.

We have not changed Unity version (2019.4.28f1) or our Build script since the last build that worked fine in 2.01.11.

We found yesterday that if we set:

        FMODUnity.Settings.Instance.AndroidUseOBB = true;

explicitly in our Build script, we are back to working again.

We are building from Command-line, and we’ve noticed the static constructor that seemed to hook this in EventManager.cs has changed in 2.01.12

We are thinking Startup() might not be triggering on a command-line build. Can you confirm this scenario works?


Thanks for flagging, you are correct it looks like EventManager.Startup() would need to be manually called in a command line build to set the AndroidUseOBB value correctly. This might also have repercussions for copying streaming assets so it might be worth adding that to your build script too if you haven’t already.
Otherwsie manually setting AndroidUseOBB seems to be a good workaround for now, I’ll let the Dev team know and see if we can fix this up for the next release.

Thanks. I’ve switched:

 FMODUnity.Settings.Instance.AndroidUseOBB = true;



in our Build script and seems to be working so far.
