Android build with OBB file doesn’t load banks of music which aren’t streaming. In the app there are UI sounds (one shot = true) which aren’t streaming and they work.
Is it feature? If not, could I fix it somehow?
(Edit: I am waiting in coroutine until the RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded is true … it works perfectly if the event is streaming but it throws error when the event is not streaming)
What version of FMOD and Unity are you using?
Could I please get some reproduction steps?
Could I please get a snippet of the code causing this error?
it’s unity 2021.3.16f and fmod 2.02.09
the repro steps are, if I have a bank with an event where streaming is on, the sound is playing and if not, the sound is not playing
there’s no special code (and I can’t share it) … it’s
- RuntimeManager.LoadBank
- yield return new WaitUntil.RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded
- RuntimeManager.CreateInstance
when the event in the bank is not streaming the bank doesn’t load … the event is long music
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Thank you for the information.
Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue.
Could I please get a screenshot of your FMOD Unity integration settings:
In the Initialization
settings, please set the Logging Level
to Warning
and enable API Error Logging
. Then share the logs when trying to play the event.
We never found out what was the problem. We tried to switch from NORMAL to NONBLOCKING which helped us to play other groups of sounds but this particular one still had the issue that it didn’t play the first time the application was started (after reinstalling).
After we switched to Addressables all issues disappeared.
So my advice to anybody with the OBB issue - instead of StreamingAssets try Asset Bundles.
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Thanks for sharing your solution.