Android OBB not loading large audio with streaming=false

Android build with OBB file doesn’t load banks of music which aren’t streaming. In the app there are UI sounds (one shot = true) which aren’t streaming and they work.

Is it feature? If not, could I fix it somehow?

(Edit: I am waiting in coroutine until the RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded is true … it works perfectly if the event is streaming but it throws error when the event is not streaming)


What version of FMOD and Unity are you using?

Could I please get some reproduction steps?

Could I please get a snippet of the code causing this error?

it’s unity 2021.3.16f and fmod 2.02.09

the repro steps are, if I have a bank with an event where streaming is on, the sound is playing and if not, the sound is not playing

there’s no special code (and I can’t share it) … it’s

  1. RuntimeManager.LoadBank
  2. yield return new WaitUntil.RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded
  3. RuntimeManager.CreateInstance

when the event in the bank is not streaming the bank doesn’t load … the event is long music

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Thank you for the information.

Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the issue.

Could I please get a screenshot of your FMOD Unity integration settings:

In the Initialization settings, please set the Logging Level to Warning and enable API Error Logging. Then share the logs when trying to play the event.