Unity editor spams "Device was unplugged!" all the time my bluetooth headset got lost

[FMOD] Output WASAPI::mixer read : GetCurrent Padding returned 0x88890004. Device was unplugged!

It is recommended that you utilize the device list changing callback to handle situations like this. It isn’t done automatically on the FMOD side. Take a look into our documentation for more information on how to handle this.


@richard_simms, is the behavior that you described going to happen exactly when there are zero audio devices present? I can imagine that being a special case, but otherwise I’d hope to see the behavior that is described in the documentation that you linked to:

“If the device that is being played on is removed (such as a USB audio device), it will automatically jump to the device considered next most important (ie on Windows, it would be the new ‘default’ device).”


Yes, it should. As long as your output type can detect devices, if a change is detected in the list of available devices, regardless of if this list is 0 or more, then it should automatically switch.


I’m seeing these as well. Sometimes if I unplug my headphones and regularly on our integrated testing machine. While I feel the automatic device handling works well, the messages spam the log file and make it hard to find other things.
Is there a way to make them stop like handling something in the FMOD_SYSTEM_CALLBACK_DEVICELISTCHANGED to essentially tell fmod: “I gotcha, now stop logging” or can this particular log be muted in a way?


I’m using FMOD 2.01.11


Something you can check is what level FMOD Logging is set to. That is found under the FMOD (on Unity Toolbar) -> Edit Settings -> Initialization drop-down -> Logging Level. Setting the drop-down option to Warning will restrict FMOD to logging only Warnings to the console.

Hope this helps!

thank you.
i will try that :slight_smile:

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