Unity GUID does not match path / Help with C#

Hi all, I’m working on an interactive sound art project using FMOD & Unity. I have a script set up that generates a load of prefab copies named via a text file. At runtime an FMOD event is added to each copy that also pulls its name from the same text file. Unfortunately, when an event is set up in FMOD with the appropriate name the GUID defaults to {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} and gives an error “GUID does not match path”. If I click the little spanner on the event emitter during runtime Unity can find the correct GUID but obviously I’m missing some steps here that enables Unity to find the correct GUID on initialization and then plays the event.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Unity;
using FMODUnity;
using FMOD.Studio;
using FMOD;

public class Graph : MonoBehaviour

  public TextAsset file;
  public GameObject nodepf;
  public GameObject edgepf; 
  public float width;
  public float length;
  public float height;

    public EventReference Event;
    void Start()
      if (file==null){	
		// instantiate A, B, C, D, E
		GameObject A = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);
		GameObject B = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);
		GameObject C = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);
		GameObject D = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);
		GameObject E = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);      
		// make nodes children of graph object
		A.transform.parent = transform;
		B.transform.parent = transform;
		C.transform.parent = transform;
		D.transform.parent = transform;
		E.transform.parent = transform;
		// change name
		A.name = "node A"; 
		B.name = "node B";
		C.name = "node C";
		D.name = "node D";
		E.name = "node E";
		// get script instances
		Node AS = A.GetComponent<Node>();
		Node BS = B.GetComponent<Node>();
		Node CS = C.GetComponent<Node>();
		Node DS = D.GetComponent<Node>();
		Node ES = E.GetComponent<Node>();                  
		// add edges      
		AS.SetEdgePrefab(edgepf); AS.AddEdge(BS);
		CS.SetEdgePrefab(edgepf); CS.AddEdge(DS); 
		DS.SetEdgePrefab(edgepf); DS.AddEdge(ES);
      } else {	

    void Update(){}

    void LoadGMLFromFile(TextAsset f){
      string[] lines = f.text.Split('\n');
      int currentobject = -1; // 0 = graph, 1 = node, 2 = edge
      int stage = -1; // 0 waiting to open, 1 = waiting for attribute, 2 = waiting for id, 3 = waiting for label, 4 = waiting for source, 5 = waiting for target
      Node n = null;
      Dictionary<string,Node> nodes = new Dictionary<string,Node>();
      foreach (string line in lines){
	string l = line.Trim();
	string [] words = l.Split(' ');
			foreach (string word in words){
				if (word == "graph" && stage == -1) {
	    currentobject = 0;
	  if (word == "node" && stage == -1) {
	    currentobject = 1;
	    stage = 0;	    
	  if (word == "edge" && stage == -1) {
	    currentobject = 2;
	    stage = 0;	    
	  if (word == "[" && stage == 0 && currentobject == 2){
	    stage = 1;
	  if (word == "[" && stage == 0 && currentobject == 1){
	    stage = 1;
	    GameObject go = Instantiate(nodepf, new Vector3(Random.Range(-width/2, width/2), Random.Range(-length/2, length/2), Random.Range(-height/2, height/2)), Quaternion.identity);
	    n = go.GetComponent<Node>();
	    n.transform.parent = transform;
		go.AddComponent<StudioEventEmitter>();//adds a eventEmitter to the node object here
	  if (word == "]"){
	    stage = -1;
	  if (word == "id" && stage == 1 && currentobject == 1){
	    stage = 2;
	  if (word == "label" && stage == 1 && currentobject == 1){
	    stage = 3;
		//this is where the label for the event is stored so if there is a node selected,
		//it then gets the node and sets the path to be the "event:/" with the newly found                        //word on the end of it.
		if (n != null)
						StudioEventEmitter eventEmitter = n.gameObject.GetComponent<StudioEventEmitter>();
						eventEmitter.EventReference.Path = "event:/" + words[System.Array.IndexOf(words, word) + 1];
	  if (stage == 2){
	    nodes.Add(word, n);
	    stage = 1;
	  if (stage == 3){
	    n.name = word;
	    stage = 1;
	  if (word == "source" && stage == 1 && currentobject == 2){
	    stage = 4;
	  if (word == "target" && stage == 1 && currentobject == 2){
	    stage = 5;
	  if (stage == 4){
	    n = nodes[word];
	    stage = 1;
	  if (stage == 5){
	    stage = 1;

Long shot I know but if you’ve gotten this far, thank you! Let me know if I need to add anything to make it more understandable!

Selecting an event for a Studio Event Emitter at runtime isn’t supported- this has been a point of contention, with the main argument that if you want that level of control you should be using the FMOD Studio API.
You should have a look at the Basic Scripting Example to get started with playing events using the FMOD Studio API. If you still want to use Studio Event Emitters you can but it will require some modification to the component’s script.