User Properties for Referenced/Nested Events


I’m wondering if/how user properties and tags can be accessed in Nested or Referenced Events.

I would like to display the artist and song name of our soundtrack onscreen in Unity using FMOD’s event user properties in a way that is similar to this: Shuffle Music Playlist with FMOD in Unity – Alessandro Famà

However, our music system would ideally use referenced events (containing the dynamic music tracks themselves) in a “master music event” so special transitions and logic flows can be created in FMOD. With the individual track events referenced inside a master event, is it possible to still access the user properties of the subevents?

Thank you!

Tags are purely an organisational tool in FMOD Studio. They are not included in banks when building the project, and cannot be accessed by any API.

User properties can be accessed by using the API by querying an event’s description. To do this, you must first know which event is playing; you could potentially find out by using FMOD_STUDIO_EVENT_CALLBACK_NESTED_TIMELINE_BEAT in order to get the playing nested event’s GUID.
Once you use know the event’s GUID, you can use it when calling Studio::EventDescription::getUserProperty, Studio::EventDescription::getUserPropertyByIndex, or Studio::EventDescription::getUserPropertyCount to query the user properties of that event.