Hi, I’m working on a VR game project that will be available for stores Steam and Meta. We are interested in using a spatialization plugin, but the problem is that we don’t know if we can use just one of those plugins and it will work on different devices in the two stores. It would be useful if you could guide me in the best decision or, if that is not possible, in the most general solution. Thank you very much and your help is appreciated.
The store you sell a game on has zero impact on which spatialization effects will work in your game. Rather, you need to look at what platforms you’re releasing on, because some platforms feature dedicated spatialization hardware that specific effects are able to take advantage of.
Information about the advantages and disadvantages of different spatialization options can be found in the Spatialization Options section of the FMOD Studio User Manual. if you have any questions that aren’t answered by that section, we’ll be glad to answer them for you.
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