Why my program with fmod api occlusion geomtry not work?

I am hobbyist c++ programmer and I learn fmod api library. I have a problem with my program, it compile but doesn’t work as it should. It creates 3D sound in front of listener like there is a wall between, and this sound shouldn’t be audible for listener. But after clicking any key it is audible but it shouldn’t be.

#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fmod.hpp>

#define ercheck( r ) if( r != FMOD_OK) std::cout<<"error: " << r;

int main()
FMOD::System *system =0;
FMOD::Sound* sound=0;
FMOD::Channel *channel =0;
FMOD::Geometry *object_geometry =0;

result = FMOD::System_Create(&system);

result = system->set3DSettings(1.f, 1.f, 0.1f);
ercheck( result );

result = system->setGeometrySettings( 1000 ); //resize world to occlusion
ercheck( result );

FMOD_VECTOR position_object = { 500, 100, 495 }; //position objectgeometry
FMOD_VECTOR forward_object = { 0, 0, -1 }; // rotation object geometry
FMOD_VECTOR up_object = { 0, 1, 0 };

//position vertices 4 to rectangle

FMOD_VECTOR rectangle[4] = {
{ 450, 50, 495}, { 450, 150, 495}, { 550, 150, 495}, { 550, 50, 495} //rectangle beetwen sound at listener

result = system->createGeometry(1, 4, &object_geometry ); //create geometry to occlusion
ercheck( result );

object_geometry->setPosition( &position_object ); //using to position object geometry
object_geometry->setRotation( &forward_object, &up_object ); //using to rotation object geometry

int index =0; //index to occlusion 
result = object_geometry->addPolygon( 1, 1, true, 4 ,rectangle, &index); // add polygon to object geometry 
ercheck( result );

//create sound

result = system->createSound( "test.wav", FMOD_3D, 0, &sound);
ercheck( result );
result = sound->set3DMinMaxDistance( 0.5f , 5000);
ercheck( result );

//sound position

FMOD_VECTOR pos_sound = { 500, 100, 490};
FMOD_VECTOR vel_sound = { 0, 0, 0};


FMOD_VECTOR pos_listener = { 500, 100, 500};
FMOD_VECTOR vel_listener = { 0, 0, 0};
FMOD_VECTOR forward_listener = { 0, 0, -1};
FMOD_VECTOR up_listener = { 0, 1, 0};

bool close = false;
while( !close )
    auto key =_getch();
    if(key == 27) //key escape = close program
    close = true;

    result = system->update(); // update to system fmod
    ercheck( result );
    result = system->set3DListenerAttributes(0, &pos_listener, &vel_listener, &forward_listener, &up_listener);
    ercheck( result );
    float dir = 1, revb = 1;
    result = system->getGeometryOcclusion( &pos_listener, &pos_sound,&dir, &revb ); //i don't know is it good?
    ercheck( result );

    Sleep( 10 );

    result = system->playSound( sound, 0, true, &channel);
    ercheck( result );
    result = channel->set3DAttributes(&pos_sound, &vel_sound);
    result = channel->setPaused(false);

//shut down

result = system->close();
ercheck( result );

return 0;

Hi, the issue is that you translated your object twice … so the square is far off into the distance.

FMOD_VECTOR position_object = { 500, 100, 495 }; //position objectgeometry
object_geometry->setPosition( &position_object ); //using to position object geometry


FMOD_VECTOR rectangle[4] = {
{ 450, 50, 495}, { 450, 150, 495}, { 550, 150, 495}, { 550, 50, 495} //rectangle beetwen sound at listener

your polygon should be in object coordinates, centered around your object’s 0,0,0 point. Then you translate the object in space.

Currently your object first point is located at 950, 150, 990

if you created your object like this it would work

 { -50, -50, 0}, { -50, 50, 0}, { 50, 50, 0}, { 50, -50, 0} //rectangle beetwen sound at listener
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Thank you man, everything is working well, I really enjoy your help, you deserve a Nobel award! :smiley: I was working at this problem for 4 days but i couldn’t find the solution and then you came, thanks you :slight_smile: Good day sir!