My output log on UE 4.14.3 has a lot of the same warning messages:
c:\jk\workspace\Build__1.8__UE4Libs_Win\studio_api\src\fmod_playback_timeline.cpp(1689) - 101 instantaneous transitions encountered; bailing out to avoid scheduler hang (last transition was to ‘Silent’)
LogFMOD:Warning: c:\jk\workspace\Build__1.8__UE4Libs_Win\studio_api\src\fmod_playback_timeline.cpp(1689) - 101 instantaneous transitions encountered; bailing out to avoid scheduler hang (last transition was to ‘Start’)
The only FMOD event I have with a transition named ‘Silent’ is my runStep event. I’m wondering what the warning message means and how to make it go away.
It looks like you may be using a transition and a marker in the exact same place on the timeline, as the warning says, it will end up bailing out to avoid the scheduler hanging and locking everything up.
The easiest way around that would be to use a loop and/or transition region with an instant send, rather than just a single transition point.
Update for any other spirit warriors out there who encounter this issue: The ‘Start’ and ‘Silent’ in the warning messages made me incorrectly think that the trouble-causing event contained markers named ‘Silent’ and ‘Start’. However, I noticed that I was getting the same warning messages in another level on play and discovered an event where I’m using more than one transition and marker in the same place. As a check, I removed the event from the Master Bank and those warning messages stopped!