2.03.06 File Organizer missing files

I tried updating my fmod and those files are not anywhere, I’ve tried deleting the fmod folders and reimporting the package but the files are still missing.

What can I do?

I’ve already closed unity, deleted plugins/fmod, reopened unity and reimported the 2.03.06 asset 3 times now and the problem persists.
I can not build for any target.

I was able to find the dlls in the /Plugins folder!
For some reason they were just there, I copied the win one inside /Plugins/FMOD/platforms/win/lib and it worked fine.

What the hell?

Edit: I was not able to find the linux file, so I just imported the fmod asset into another project, then copied everything back…

Which version of FMOD for Unity did you upgrade from?

I was at 2.00.05 before.

It looks like somehow the lib folders have been moved into the Plugins folder, I checked back to the start of v1.10 and all the libs should be in ‘Assets\Plugins\FMOD\lib’.