Can't build game - Missing Files from FMOD

Hey, I’m having this issue that only appears when I try to build my game. Playing inside the Unity editor is fine.

  1. BuildFailedException: There is an FMOD binary missing for build target StandaloneWindows64:
    Please run the FMOD/Reorganize Plugin Files menu command.

Those folders are empty inside my game project files.
When I go to Reorganize plugin files inside Unity there are plenty of files missing from the lib (libfmod.L , fmod.dll , and plenty others)

What’s the best way to work this around?

What version of FMOD are you using? Have you tried reinstalling the FMOD Unity integration?

Hey Jeff,

FMOD Version: 2.02.03
Unity Version: 2019.4.24f1

I’ve tried removing all the folders related to FMOD and integrating it again in my project, but I had to do a backup from Github because too many errors started appearing.

What is the best way to reinstall it into my project knowing that I already have some scripts and calls using Fmod API?


Ideally you should only need to reimport the package, if you could share the errors with me I can help you get past them? Otherwise, you can usually get back to a good state by closing Unity, deleting “\Assets\Plugins\FMOD”, reopening Unity (ignoring the warnings about safe mode) and reimporting the 2.02.03 package.

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The method of deleting the FMOD Assets folder and reimporting the package seems to have solved the issue. Now I can build my game again.
If anything arises in the meantime I’ll let you know.
