Adding signal DSP causes starvation

Apologies for the delayed response.

Unfortunately, there’s not a particularly convenient way of suppressing the warning. The straightforward solution is to modify RuntimeManager.DEBUG_CALLBACK() in .\Assets\Plugins\FMOD\src\RuntimeManager.cs to filter out the functionOutputWASAPI::mixerThread and message “Starvation detected in WASAPI output buffer!”. For example:

private static FMOD.RESULT DEBUG_CALLBACK(FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS flags, IntPtr filePtr, int line, IntPtr funcPtr, IntPtr messagePtr)
    FMOD.StringWrapper file = new FMOD.StringWrapper(filePtr);
    FMOD.StringWrapper func = new FMOD.StringWrapper(funcPtr);
    FMOD.StringWrapper message = new FMOD.StringWrapper(messagePtr);

    if (flags == FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS.ERROR)
        RuntimeUtils.DebugLogError(string.Format(("[FMOD] {0} : {1}"), (string)func, (string)message));
    else if (flags == FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS.WARNING)
        // NEW CODE START
        // Only log warning if it's NOT WASAPI output buffer starvation
        if (((string)message) != "Starvation detected in WASAPI output buffer!\n")
            RuntimeUtils.DebugLogWarning(string.Format(("[FMOD] {0} : {1}"), (string)func, (string)message));
        // NEW CODE END
    else if (flags == FMOD.DEBUG_FLAGS.LOG)
        RuntimeUtils.DebugLog(string.Format(("[FMOD] {0} : {1}"), (string)func, (string)message));
    return FMOD.RESULT.OK;

However, this will filter out legitimate occurrences, which while rarer do have happen - usually this warning would occur when the system is under too much load, and cannot fill the output buffer fast enough to output a continuous stream of audio.