...another bank with the same GUID

I recently noticed that i get this warning on startup of the engine or a packaged development build. Currently I have no problem ingame but was also not able to test my language audio extensively. Is it something I have to worry about or is there a fix?

Every locale and name of a language is the typical locale theme (de_DE) etc.
Best regards


What version of the FMOD integration and Unreal are you using?

I will link to our documentation related to loading localized banks in UE: Unreal Integration | User Guide - Loading Localized Banks.

And just to confirm that the Locale Name variables are the same in Studio and in Unreal Engine?

I think I have these warnings since 2.02.13, now i am using 2.02.17 for the App and the plugin. I also updated from UE5.1 to 5.2 in the meantime, perhaps I started on UE5.0 but I cannot remember.


Thank you for the information. I was able to reproduce it in 2.02.17. We will be releasing a fix for this issue in our next update.

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