Are there FMOD console variables set up?

Hey there in my current project im using FMOD and want to do a audio settings menu.
I think unreals strategy about this, is to put things in console variables which can be stored / read, and put into config files.

Currently I cant find any documentation about FMOD, and whether there are setup console variables.
Are there some, I am missing currently, or do I have to implement wrappers for this myself?

(for information about console variables see: )

Thanks and kind regards

If you want to cause your game’s audio behavior to change in response to changes in your game’s console variables, simply code your game such that it sends commands to the FMOD Engine in response to those changes.

There are no predefined console variables that FMOD Studio responds to in a predefined way, because the scope of possible variables and ways of responding to them is unlimited, and there is no way to predict exactly what console variables a given game might need and use.