Howdy! I’m looking to implement a voice chat system in my game with FMOD, is there a way to do this in unreal engine?
There is no out-of-the-box FMOD solution for voice chat, there are dedicated voice chat Plugins that handle the audio I/O and networking requirements for you. If you wanted to route that audio data from a voice chat Plugin into FMOD Studio for effects, spatialization etc then you can do it in the following way:
- Setup a programmer instrument in FMOD studio
- Get mic input and implement a PCM Read Callback on the Sound object; the C++ record example shows you how to do this and is available in the FMOD Engine for your platform
- In the read callback, fill the buffer with audio data coming from your choice of voice chat Plugin
- Play the programmer sound in Unreal via the API
Can I use the default voice chat system that comes along-side Unreal engine for this?
You should be able to, anything you can attach a Submix Effect to you should also be able to access the underlying audio data and introduce FMOD. You can check out the Unreal SubmixEffects classes in “Engine\Plugins\Runtime\Synthesis\Source\Synthesis\Classes\SubmixEffects” to see how to access the audio data in Unreal.
@ImGreenWolf Did you find any solution ? im trying to achieve the same without luck. Struggling to find a way to get Audio Data from players mics.
What versions of FMOD and Unreal are you using?
What have you been able to achieve so far? We have an example for recording mic input in Unity which may be a useful reference: Unity Integration | Scripting Examples - Record.
Hope this helps