Bank loading is not correct because DSP is not ready

Hi everyone

I’m developing a VR Game but when we run the build we have the following error. It is not happening all the time, it happens in random cases when I try to change the scene. As the app had to be splitted (OBB) to be uploaded to the store, I was following the asynchronous banks loading for that case. I’m working on version 2.02.13

BankLoadException: [FMOD] Could not load bank ‘jar:file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/xxxxxxx.queststore/main.500xxxxxx.queststore.obb!/assets/’ : ERR_NOTREADY : Operation could not be performed because specified sound/DSP connection is not ready.

Thanks and I’ll really appreciate your answer.

Thank you for the information. You mention

Are you referring to our Scripting Examples? (Unity Integration | Scripting Exampels - Asynchronous Loading)

Would it be possible to see a code snippet when trying to load the banks?

Thank you

Hi there, this is the function for the asynchronous behaviour of the scene loading depending on the loading state of the banks.

private IEnumerator InitSceneAfterInitBanks () {
        while (!RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded("AsyncSceneBank")) {
            yield return null;
		FlowManager.Instance.TriggerWithContext(m_trackId, m_agentId, m_slotId);		

And here is the function that loads the banks.

 public IEnumerator LoadBank(string bankName) {
        if (!RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded(bankName)) {
                    yield return null;

                RuntimeManager.LoadBank(bankName, true);
            catch (BankLoadException e)
        while(!RuntimeManager.HasBankLoaded(bankName) || RuntimeManager.AnySampleDataLoading()){

            yield return null;
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Thank you for the code. Unfortunately, I was not able to reproduce the behavior.

Are you using any custom DSP’s?

Would it be possible to enable the following integration settings:

Try reproduce the crash and share the full player logs?

Alternatively would it be possible to update to the latest minor version:

Let me know if the issue persists?

Thank you

hi there, thanks for replying. Just one aditional thing, we are using the Meta XR Audio SDK, I don´t know if it makes some custom DSP’s or what is happening about. We have not updated the version yet. The issue is not happening all the time, but is present in apk and obb.

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Thank you for the information. I am still unable to reproduce the issue even with the DSP. Did you have any luck generating the logs?