Best way to update Unity Integration (from 1.10.10 to 1.10.12)?

Hi there,

I want to update my project from 1.10.10 to 1.10.12. FMOD update is straightforward, but what do I do with the Unity integration? How do I update the package?

Thank you!


Before you can import a newer version of the FMOD integration UnityPackage, you will need to manually delete the dll’s used by the editor, this is because once the editor is loaded it will also load these dll’s an you will be unable to replace them while they are in use.

Thank you. So on Mac I only need to delete the “fmodstudiol.bundle” file and not everything created by FMOD?

Correct, the only time you should delete all the FMOD integration files is if you are upgrading to a new major version (eg. 1.10 -> 2.0).

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Should I also update the Playstation 4 package when updating my FMOD version? And do I need do delete any files before doing that?

It is a good idea to, that way all the API (and libs) will be on the same version.

Alright. Which files should I delete before importing the new PS4 package?

Thank you

You won’t need to delete any files, the new files in the unitypackage will overwrite the old PS4 files.

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After having deleted the dll file and updated the FMOD integration from 1.10.13 to 1.10.14, my team is getting this error. Any idea why this could be happening? :thinking:

It looks like Collab is trying to deleted/move the FMOD Windows dll, not sure why, but this won’t work while Unity is open because the dll is in use.

The errors disappeared after some time, so that’s good.

Just to be sure: I have multiple fmodstudiol.dll files in my project, all placed somewhere in the plugins folder. Just I delete all of them before updating the integration from 1.10.14 to 1.10.15?

Thank you :slight_smile:

You just need to delete the libs for your current OS, because Unity loads them when it starts the editor and you won’t be able to replace it.

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Okay, and if I am on a Mac and the rest of my team on PC, do I need to delete both Mac and PC libs?

And should I delete all the dlls? i have them all these places:



Just the ones for the OS you are doing the update on, Mac in your case, the others will be updated through source control.

Thank for clarifying that Cameron. I accidentally deleted all the files, and now my team is getting this message. Any ideas about what I can do about this?


Unity is trying to delete the dll while it is open (in Unity), this is the same issue you would have if you tried to replace the file while it is open.