Bug with Visual Scripting 1.7.8

Hi, short warning for all working with Unitys Visual Scripting and FMOD: When you update Visual Scripting 1.7.8 Unity stops displaying all FMODUnity Nodes (like the Runtime Manager ones) in the Fuzzy Finder. This bug does not happen when working with Visual Scripting 1.7.6.

Happens 2021.3.3f and FMOD Unity Integration 2.02.07 (unity verified).

Thank you for reporting this issue, I have confirmed that the FMOUnity visual scripting units are not being generated with the Visual Scripting 1.7.8 package. I have passed this onto the Dev team to investigate further. In the meantime, anyone facing this issue can rollback their Visual Scripting version by clicking on the gear icon in the top right of the package manager and selecting “Reset Packages to defaults”.

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This appears to be a bug in Unity Visual Scripting 1.7.8 affecting many assets/plugins, where anything that contains a reference to Unity Editor is discarded, even when using #ifdefs to filter it out at runtime):

Reporting a bug for this, through the Unity Help menu, can also help as the more people that can report it the better.

The best solution at the moment is to rollback your Visual Scripting version to 1.7.6.

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Unity have acknowledged the bug and it looks like there should be a fix coming in a version of Unity Visual Scripting 1.7.X.

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