
When building on PC has errors with FMOD 2.01.04:

BuildFailedException: There is an FMOD binary missing for build target StandaloneWindows64 (development build):

  • C:/…/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/win/x86_64/fmodstudioL.dll
    You may need to reinstall the relevant integration package from

FMODUnity.Settings+BuildPreprocessor.OnPreprocessBuild (UnityEditor.Build.Reporting.BuildReport report) (at Assets/Plugins/FMOD/src/Runtime/Settings.cs:910)
UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces+<>c__DisplayClass15_0.b__1 (UnityEditor.Build.IPreprocessBuildWithReport bpp) (at :0)
UnityEditor.Build.BuildPipelineInterfaces.InvokeCallbackInterfacesPair[T1,T2] (System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] oneInterfaces, System.Action1[T] invocationOne, System.Collections.Generic.List1[T] twoInterfaces, System.Action1[T] invocationTwo, System.Boolean exitOnFailure) (at :0)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)

Error building Player: BuildFailedException: There is an FMOD binary missing for build target StandaloneWindows64 (development build):

  • C:/Projects/serpentrogue/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/win/x86_64/fmodstudioL.dll
    You may need to reinstall the relevant integration package from

Hi, FMOD for Unity throws this exception if the required binary files are missing, as the built player will not work in this case.

Does C:/Projects/serpentrogue/Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/win/x86_64/fmodstudioL.dll exist? If not, try reinstalling the integration package.

It contains just a x64 folder. if rename it to x86_64 and set libraries to x86_64 it has worked properly.

I’m glad to hear you have resolved the issue. We haven’t encountered an issue like this before - do you know whether that folder was renamed to x64 by someone on your team?

After update to FMOD 2.01.05 both of the folders exist.

That is unexpected. What version of Unity are you using?

Just to follow up, this could be due to an interaction with .meta files checked in to source control.

Do you have Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/win/x64.meta checked in to source control? If you do, and it contains the GUID that the FMOD for Unity package uses for Assets/Plugins/FMOD/lib/win/x86_64, Unity will match up the GUIDs and rename x86_64 to x64 when importing the package.