I’m looking into the '‘correct’ way of capturing a bus’s output then playing it back, not sure if attaching dsp to a bus or using the wavwriter is the correct way, but ideally the fastest would be better as I want to simulate a loop pedal, capturing game audio then creating a sound with it (loop it etc) and play back as soon as we stop capture.
I’d say I was lower intermidiate with scripting so I’m happy to dive in and learn anything but a relatively simple solution would be better haha
If anyone can point me in the right direction it’d be much appreciated!
Many thanks!
Hi! Apologies for the delayed response.
Based on what you’ve described, I think using a capture DSP would likely be the best option, since WAVWRITER specifically writes the output of the entire system to file, and while used doesn’t output any audio to your audio devices.
With a capture DSP, you would place it on a bus’ underlying channel group to capture audio for a specified time. When capturing is then disabled, the captured audio data would be either stored in memory or written to file, and can the be played back using a programmer instrument in the Studio API, or as a sound using the Core API.
If you were wanting to play back the captured data from memory, you’d likey want to use a combination of FMOD_OPENMEMORY and FMOD_OPENRAW to open the sound. Writing to file simplifies this process, but also requires extra code to actually write the audio data and WAV header - a Unity C# example of this can be found here, and a C++ example here.
If you have any further questions or run into any issues, feel free to let me know.
Hey Leah,
Thanks so much for the response! Indeed the example script from the other forum post worked beautifully thanks so much! However there’s a slight problem, in the example script after pressing the button to stop the recording we write to a file, I’ve then created a sound and passed the file path to it for playback but there’s a touch of latency there so when looping the file back it staggers at the start of the loop due to silence at the start of the file.
Would it be quicker to play back straight from memory? and if so how could I modify the script to do that?
I want to simulate a loop pedal so playback and looping needs to be snappy and on beat. Saving the data to file can be done when the player stops recording.
Thanks so much!