Dialogue / Programmer instrument error

Hi guys, my dev is currently setting up our dialogue system and he got the following error message:

[FMOD] SoundSourceInstrumentInstance::startChannelIfReady : Resource type 1 for instrument {2df3295d-0b19-487b-a8b1-af674fd36719} has returned 18 and will now stop.

When searching that GUID it returns Dialogue_Bank bank. I’m a bit lost here as we can’t find anything relating to this error in the documentation.

Any help would be much appreciated, this is a bit of a headscratcher for us!


The resource type returning 18 refers to FMOD_RESULT FMOD_ERR_FILE_NOTFOUND. Can you confirm for me that Dialogue_Bank.bank is present and loaded when attempting to play the given asset in the programmer instrument at runtime?