Failed to encode bank. A specific file could not be found. Unreal Engine events inaudible

As soon as I build my FMOD session all the FMOD events within Unreal become inaudible. Here is what FMOD says when I build.
Can anyone help?

Are you able to find any issues if you click File > Validate Project?

If not, could you open the logs (Window > Console > Logging) and build again? Are there any warnings in yellow or errors in red that you can see when a build is started?

hey! reviving this topic. I found the same error. Here is the log:

14:17:55 A specified file could not be found. 
14:17:55 "FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error." 
14:17:55 "FMOD_ERROR c:\\buildagent1\\work\\29f5653b6668a299\\studio\\src\\model\\bank.cpp(136): modelBuilder.builder()->writeToStream(&stream, bankVersion, exportFlags)" 
14:17:55 [Write D:/UE5_Development_MikeL/TheOcultistProject/Content/FMOD/Desktop/ to file]: Time taken is 84.27ms (0.084s) 
14:17:55 "FMOD_ERROR (65536): Unknown error." 
14:17:55 "FMOD_ERROR c:\\buildagent1\\work\\29f5653b6668a299\\studio\\src\\model\\bank.cpp(150): buildBank(this, dataType, absoluteBinaryPath(platform, locale, sBankSuffix(dataType)))" 
14:17:55 [Build bank "01_Forest"]: Time taken is 120.89ms (0.120s) 
14:17:57 [Build 15 banks for 1 platforms]: Time taken is 1494.61ms (1.494s)


Found the fix. Sharing it here.
So, I went through all of the events in the bank with the issue. I recently added some new asset to an event and I found, exploring the asset browser, that the file was flagged as #modified

I was unable to re-import the file. it said is an unsupported format although it was a .wav file. I changed the name (probably it had some unsupported weird character on it) and it works now. Rebuilded and working.

So, if this happen, search for #modified assets in your asset browser and check if FMOD is loading them properly !
