Event Auditioning in mixer view

is there a way to auditioning a sound event while in Mixer View or in the routing window?
I’ve so many groups and events, and since event folders doesn’t necessarely follow mixer grouping I have to jump back and forth the event editor and the mixer view to play an event listed in the mixer routing list/routing window

Vice-versa: a way to see the group assigned directly in event editor would also be very useful


Hi Gianni, thank you for the request. This feature currently isn’t available within the tool but it does sound very useful. I have added a task to look at implementing something to address this in a future release.

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Just wanted to 2nd this feature request: It would be very useful to play events in the Mixer view–how else could I easily decide if I’ve assigned them to the correct Group? Maybe this is scriptable… will report back…

I created a js script to do this in case anyone is also needing this. After installing the script, you can just select the event in the Mixer view and type “Ctrl+Alt+Space” to select the event in the Event Editor and play the event.

    name: "Scripts\\Select and Audition Event from Mixer",
    keySequence: "Ctrl+Alt+Space",
    execute: function () {

        console.log("=== STARTING EVENT SELECTION AND PLAY FROM MIXER ===");

        function getSelectedMixerInput() {
            var selectedItems = studio.window.editorSelection();
            if (!selectedItems || selectedItems.length === 0) {
                console.log("No selection found in Mixer View.");
                return null;

            for (var i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) {
                if (selectedItems[i].isOfType("MixerInput")) {
                    return selectedItems[i]; 

            console.log("No Mixer Input selected.");
            return null;

        function navigateToEvent(event) {
            if (!event) {
                console.log("No event found to navigate to.");

            console.log("Navigating to Event in Event Editor: " + event.name);

        function auditionEvent(event) {
            if (!event) return;
            console.log("Attempting to play Event: " + event.name);

        var selectedMixerInput = getSelectedMixerInput();
        if (selectedMixerInput) {
            var event = selectedMixerInput.event;
            if (event) {
            } else {
                console.log("No associated event found for this Mixer Input.");

        console.log("=== EVENT SELECTION AND PLAY COMPLETE ===");

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Thank you for sharing this solution here!

This will definitely be helpful for others looking for a quick way to audit events from Mixer window.

Really appreciate you taking the time to contribute.

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