Every time we play an event with a programmer instrument, it goes through this file which handles loading the dummy event, and injecting the audio file we want (in ogg format).
Here’s what the fmod log has for around this time:
[Platform] ExternalInterface => InitializeNativeOverride
[FMOD] filename = D:\Steam\steamapps\common\The Jackbox Party Pack 8\games/JobGame/content/en/ApplyYourselfInterviewQuestion/77950/question.ogg : mode 00010080
[FMOD] FMOD_NONBLOCKING specified. Putting into queue to be opened asynchronously!
[FMOD] setdata soundi = 000000001A5E1008 : node = 000000000602EA30
[FMOD] add node to async list : head = 00000000122CCA88. list count = 0
[FMOD] Starting Asynchronous operation on sound 000000001A5E1008
[FMOD] Create name=‘D:\Steam\steamapps\common\The Jackbox Party Pack 8\games/JobGame/content/en/ApplyYourselfInterviewQuestion/77950/question.ogg’, mode=0x00010080
[FMOD] Create name=’’, mode=0x02000202
[FMOD] exinfo->cbsize = 224
[FMOD] exinfo->length = 3489440
[FMOD] exinfo->fileoffset = 161024
[FMOD] exinfo->numsubsounds = 1
[FMOD] exinfo->inclusionlist = 000000000672F628
[FMOD] exinfo->inclusionlistnum = 1
[FMOD] exinfo->suggestedsoundtype = 5
[FMOD] exinfo->useropen = 00007FFC1244FFC0
[FMOD] exinfo->userclose = 00007FFC1244FF90
[FMOD] exinfo->userread = 00007FFC12450090
[FMOD] exinfo->userseek = 00007FFC12450150
[FMOD] exinfo->fileuserdata = 000000001F989488
[FMOD] exinfo->initialseekpostype = 1
[FMOD] register codec pool for pool type 5
[FMOD] Sample 0/1: name=‘qu_text_on’, format=5, channels=1, frequency=48000, lengthbytes=2432, lengthpcm=31329, pcmblocksize=0, loopstart=0, loopend=0, mode=0x00000000, channelmask=0x00000000, channelorder=0, peakvolume=0.367310.
[FMOD] Stream: name=’(null)’, format=2, channels=1, frequency=48000, lengthbytes=141180, lengthpcm=338422, pcmblocksize=0, loopstart=0, loopend=0, mode=0x00000000, channelmask=0x00000000, channelorder=0, peakvolume=0.000000.
[FMOD] Finished Asynchronous operation on sound 000000001A5E1008
[FMOD] Loading delay exceeded, sound may play at incorrect time
[FMOD] JOB10 (000000001A659AC8)
[FMOD] JOB10 (000000001FFA3C78)
[FMOD] JOB10 (000000001A5E0798)
[FMOD] question.ogg (000000001A5E1008)
[FMOD] (null) (000000001FFA42F8)