Failed to load when trying to Play Standalone


We are having an issue with UE4.22.3 and FMOD 2.00.02 when trying to Play Standalone from inside the UE4 Editor.

  1. Created a fresh ThirdPersonExample C++ project.
  2. Enabled the FMOD plugin
  3. Created a new FMOD project and linked it to the UE4 project. In the editor events are visible and everything validates successfully.
  4. Added Play Event At Location in begin play on 3rd Person Character.
  5. Play In Editor works fine.
  6. Play Standalone results in failing to load FMOD.

LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:354][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.FMODEventInstance Referenced by CallFunc_PlayEventAtLocation_ReturnValue
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:354][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:354][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:354][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:354][ 0]LogProperty: Error: UStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ThirdPersonCPP/Blueprints/ThirdPersonCharacter.ThirdPersonCharacter_C:ExecuteUbergraph_ThirdPersonCharacter.CallFunc_PlayEventAtLocation_ReturnValue’. Unknown structure.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:379][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:380][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:381][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:381][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:381][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:381][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:382][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:382][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.FMODBlueprintStatics Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:382][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:382][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:382][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.FMODBlueprintStatics Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.Default__FMODBlueprintStatics Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.FMODEvent Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event.New_Event Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’: Can’t find file ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Game/FMOD/Events/New_Event’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LoadErrors: Failed to load /Script/FMODStudio.FMODEventInstance Referenced by K2Node_CallFunction_0
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file ‘/Script/FMODStudio’
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogLinker: Warning: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.
[2019.07.10-23.28.07:383][ 0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to load ‘/Script/FMODStudio’: Can’t find file for asset ‘/Script/FMODStudio’ while loading NULL.

I have not been able to reproduce the same issue here. Double check that you have followed the steps in the User Guide.

Are you using Mac, Windows or Linux?
Are you putting the plugin in the engine or project?


We’re having the same issue with UE4.22.3 and FMOD 2.00.03.

Running on Windows, Using the plugin directly in the project.

We changed the engine from 21 to 22. If I use old Version of FMOD, everything works fine.

Just wanted to update that I did find a solution, the way the User Guide is written lead me to believe that I only needed to add FMODStudio to PrivateDependencyModuleNames if I wanted to access functionality in C++ however without this I would get the error above. Once I added it the error went away. Hopefully that can help you alexuslorus


we also have the same problem once we updated from FMOD 2.00.00 to 2.00.03, meaning that 2.00.00 is the last version that worked for us. The problem is present in versions 2.00.01 and 2.00.02 as well. We are using UE4.22.3 and Windows. The plugin is in the project folder.

Unfortunately, the solution suggested above didn’t work for us, as we already had FMODStudio in PrivateDependencyModuleNames. We have also followed the User Guide and validated the plugin.

I have tried clearing the following:

  1. FMODStudio/Intermediate
  2. FMODStudio/Binaries/Platform/UE4*.*
  3. ProjectFolder/Intermediate
  4. ProjectFolder/Saved
  5. ProjectFolder/Binaries
  6. AppData/Local/EpicGamesLauncher
  7. AppData/Local/UnrealEngine

and then regenerating the game’s solution and rebuilding the project. Nothing has worked thus far.

It might be worth mentioning that our FMOD folder isn’t directly under the Content folder. Instead, it’s under Content/ProjectName/ folder.

This does appear to be an issue when running a standalone build, we are currently investigating it.

Thank you for the response Cameron. We’re eagerly looking forward to a resolution so we can finally upgrade from 2.00.00!

Same issue here. Rolled back and okay for now. Subscribing to be notified of fix.


The fix for this is now live (in 2.00.04).

Thanks Cameron, can confirm that the update fixed the issue for us!