Plugin 'FMODStudio' failed to load because module 'FMODStudio' could not be found

Hi I’m facing a trouble when packaging project for Windows (64-bit) using UE 4.26.1 and ‘FMOD for UE4’ 2.01.08 4.26.

On editor and standalone modes works well but when I package on development or shipping mode i face the following error:

LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘FMODStudio’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
Message dialog closed, result: Ok, title: Message, text: Plugin ‘FMODStudio’ failed to load because module ‘FMODStudio’ could not be found. Please ensure the plugin is properly installed, otherwise consider disabling the plugin for this project.

I’m using Win10 x64 with FMOD in /MyProjectFolder/Plugins/FMODStudio/ and when I press Validate FMOD appears ‘Finished validation. No problems detected.’

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I can’t reproduce that issue here - packaging a Window 64-bit build for development or shipping works perfectly well using FMOD 2.01.08 UE4 4.26 integration downloaded from our website and UE4 4.26.1 installed from the Epic Games launcher.

Are you using the integration package from our website or have you used the source distribution from GitHub?

Can you reproduce the issue just adding our integration to a basic UE4 project using one of the templates distributed by Epic?

Can you think of any other details of your setup which might distinguish it from what I described?

I’m using the version from fmod website, I’ve tried right now with a blank project and give me the same error!
There is a specific log file from the build that i can read to give me more information about this error?

Could you share the UE4 output log from where you attempt to package a build? It might give some clue to follow.

Well after many attempts, I tried install all things fresh Win10, UE4 and FMOD plugin but dit not resolve.

The only thing that solved was delete ‘Build, Intermediate and Saved’ folders from my project and create a dummy C++ class to my Blueprint Project.
And just to specify only delete the folders did not resolve. Now works perfectly.

I don’t know if have some importance but I also noted that before I create c++ class the ‘WindowsNoEditor/MyProject/Plugins/FMODStudio’ folder was’nt there, but now it is.


Thanks for following up, it sounds like the issue might be linked to using a Blueprint only project, I’ll see if I can reproduce this issue that way.

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I’ve been able to reproduce this now using a Blueprint only project. It seems the problem exists with UE4 4.25 and UE4 4.26 but not UE4 4.24. I’m still trying to determine whether it’s something which changed in our integration or if something changed on the UE4 side to which we need to respond.

I’ll add an issue to our tracker for this so we can fix it in a future release, in the meantime adding C++ code to a Blueprint project seems like the only workaround.


+1 to this, I am also able to reproduce this now, however I did not experiencing it before on my UE4.26.1 projects, it has appeared suddenly

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Thanks for reporting it, we have an open issue to fix this, it won’t make our next release but will be scheduled for a future release.

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I am not sure if it is related, but trying my luck here. Feel free to ask me to create a new topic for this error. I am trying to build the blueprint VR template for Oculus Quest via UE 4.26 (last version of FMOD).

I have the APK and without FMOD the project loads fine, when adding FMOD (paths validated) the project doesn’t load anymore (…). When cancelling the intent, I see this in the log:

LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Building compressed audio format OGG hash OGG10000-1-1-1-1-1 wave CompileFailed...
LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Compression Quality for SoundWave /Engine/EditorSounds/Notifications/CompileFailed.CompileFailed will be modified from 40 to 40.
LogAudioDerivedData: Display: Updated SoundWave->RawPCMDataSize from 0 to 89512 while cooking SoundWave /Engine/EditorSounds/Notifications/CompileFailed.CompileFailed

Is it related?

Those log messages are nothing to do with the FMOD plugin, but it’s possible that your problem loading is related to the issue raised in this topic. Blueprint only projects aren’t currently working with the FMOD plugin and we’re working on a fix for it.

If you try adding a C++ class to your project then package and build does the project load with the FMOD plugin?

Yes it does. I had to install Visual Studio (8GB). I still have no sound, but I think it’s related to something else (I don’t see the Mobile folder bank in Content/FMOD/ (only Desktop)) - even if I checked Mobile in FMOD Studio.

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Thanks for confirming, that definitely suggests it’s the same problem we’re already looking at.

As for your missing Mobile banks, it sounds like they probably haven’t been built - FMOD Studio’s build command only builds the active platform by default, so either change the active platform in FMOD Studio to “Mobile” using the platform selector in the status bar and then build banks, or use the “Build All Platforms” command to build the banks for all of the platforms in your FMOD Studio project.

Hello, is there any proper fix for this? I do not want to make a C++ file because I want a BluePrint only project, I have the Mobile folder on UE4, but I am getting this error on mobile…

Unfortunately there are no known solutions to this bug, we are waiting on Epic to resolve the issue however I don’t believe they are looking into it any more.

We’ve documented this in the troubleshooting section of our UE4 docs.

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Hello, quickly reviving this topic. I have encountered the same bug in Unreal Engine 5.3.2

After converting the project into a C++ project it properly packaged again.

If this bug has been re-introduced please contact Epic again, and in the meantime anyone encountering the same problem i guess convert to C++

A similar post was made that found a different solution, so I will quickly link it here: UE 5.3 Error in launching project: Plugin 'FMODStudio' failed to load because module 'FMODStudio' could not be found

It seems this person managed to fix the problem by disabling the FMod niagara plugin