FMOD causing UE4 crash at startup

Thank you for sending that over- I have reproduced this crash by swapping in the AssetLookup.uasset file. I have also reproduced the succesive crashes after deleting and regenerating the AssetLookup.uasset file.
I have found that rerunning the validation tool has got the project back to a good state. Can you please try the following:

  • Delete evenything in “Content/FMOD
  • Clear your project’s build path in FMOD Studio, under Edit>Preferences…>Build>Built banks output directory (optional):
  • Open your project in Unreal
  • With FMOD Studio still open, run the validation in Unreal by going to Help>Validate FMOD

Hopefully that also works for you. Please let me know if it doesn’t and I’ll see what else can be done.