FMOD Github Collab pull error

When i push my projects on github my collaborators are getting errors constantly that are causing massive issues with collaborating with others.

This showed up on their screen when attempting To pull repo

“error: invalid path ‘Fmod Scene Web Project/Fmod-Web-Project/Assets/Room 707 /Cresendo Strings 80 Room 707 (DO NOT USE FOR FINAL VERSION).wav’”

So chatgpt told me to remove Brackets. but collab got this message

“error: invalid path ‘Fmod Scene Web Project/Fmod-Web-Project/Assets/Room 707 /Cresendo Strings 80 Room 707 DO NOT USE FOR FINAL VERSION.wav’”

What to do?

This doesn’t appear to be an FMOD issue - the issue is likely to do with restrictions on file and path names on different OSes. In this case, the trailing whitepace after “Room 707” may be the culprit. On the git/github side of things, I believe the appropriate setting to look into may be core.protectNTFS, but besides that I unfortunately cannot be of much help.