Fmod in Unity for IOS and Android output

We want to split the iOS and Android banks and builds in Unity. In the Unity Fmod Multiple Platform Build Settings the only option to do this is:

High End Mobile

Inherits from Mobile and includes iOS devices iPhone 5, iPad Air, Ipad Mini 2 and later, Android devices with more than four cores or a clock speed above 1.6HGZ.

Low End Mobile

Inherits from Mobile and includes all other mobile devices.

In FMod 1.10.08 We have setup several Project platforms :

Android (Mobile)



They appear in the Fmod Unity settings within the dropdowns but we cant do a bespoke Android build and a bespoke iOS build.

We want to do this so we can optimise the mix and do a specific iOS Device mix and an Android Mix.

Many thanks

There isn’t a way to do this currently in the integration, although that does sound like something that would be very useful. I will add a task to investigate the best way to introduce this.

In the meantime, you can get around this in a couple of ways.
If you don’t need the Mobile High/Low, you can replace them with Android and iOS by using this change:

Otherwise you can use Mobile High/Low and comment out the section in: SettingsEditor.cs, AllowBankChange() that stops those options from having bank options.