[FMOD] Please add an 'FMOD Studio Listener' component to your camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds."

I have implemented a CustomStudioListener during development, but I am encountering the following warning:
[FMOD] Please add an ‘FMOD Studio Listener’ component to your camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds.
The reason is:

if (StudioListener.ListenerCount <= 0 && !listenerWarningIssued)
    listenerWarningIssued = true;
    RuntimeUtils.DebugLogWarning("[FMOD] Please add an 'FMOD Studio Listener' component to your camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds.");

Have you considered changing it to use an IStudioListener interface for developers to implement?

Thanks for the suggestion - I can definitely see the use for it, given that implementing custom listener code to work tandem with existing integration code in RuntimeManager could be frustrating, so I’ve added it to our internal feature/improvement tracker.