Is a FMOD Studio Listener always required in the scene?

I have an additive scene loading system, where at some times there may not be a camera in the scene and therefore no suitable FMOD Studio Listener. However, during these times I always get the warning:

[FMOD] Please add an ‘FMOD Studio Listener’ component to your camera in the scene for correct 3D positioning of sounds.

Is it possible to disable this warning or is it required to always have some listener in the scene? My unterstanding would have been that its only required if there is a 3D sound effect that should be hearable.


It is possible to filter warnings by changing the Logging Level to Error in the integration settings:

No, this warning is just logged to ensure that a listener is not mistakenly missed. However, it is required for 3D positioning as stated in the warning.

Hope this helps!

I get this error when I have the listener on an object that also has camera component in my scene. Does this always show, even if I meet the conditions of the warning?


Could I please get a screen shot of the component in your scene? Could I also please grab you Unity and FMOD versions?