FMOD Studio: The FMOD Studio project path must be set to an .fspro file

I installed FMOD assets from the unity asset store, but after installing the assets, an error appears like this FMOD Studio: The FMOD Studio project path must be set to an .fspro file.

If you select “FMOD > Edit Settings” in Unity to view the FMOD Unity integration’s settings, what is shown in the “Studio Project Path” field?


To make the “The FMOD Studio project path must be set to an .fspro file” message disappear, you must set the Studio project path to an .fspro file.

To do this, click the “Browse” button next to the Studio Project Path field to open a file picker dialog. Then, in the file picker dialog, navigate to and select the .fspro file for your game’s FMOD Studio project.