FMOD Studio, Unity, Resonance audio on Mac


My System:
macbook pro running Big Sur 11.2.3
FMOD Studio 2.02.04
integration: fmodstudio20204.unitypackage (ie. 2.02.04)
resonance audio: ResonanceAudioForUnity_1.2.1.unitypackage (ie. 1.2.1)

I am having trouble using fmod with unity integration as well as resonance audio. The problems arise when I first import the fmod-unity integration package. Please see the host of errors:

When I try to run the scene:

[FMOD] PluginEffectModel::init : Missing DSP plugin ‘Resonance Audio Source’

I’m new to unity and fmod so maybe there is an easy fix but I’m really not sure what to do at this point. Any leads would be great.

Thank you!

That first error sounds like the installation didn’t complete fully, can you please try deleting “Assets/Plugins/FMOD” and reimport the integration?
The Resonance Audio error is probably due to “resonanceaudio” not being added as a plugin in the FMOD Unity settings for the Editor platform. Please follow the advice in this doc on how to include plugins in the FMOD Unity integration and let me know if you have any more issues.

Thank you! You were right, I just didn’t add it as a plugin properly!

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