The [FMOD] assert : assertion: 'FMOD_validate_utf8(src)' failed message indicates that your bank contains an invalid UTF8 string.
If you send us your master bank, strings bank, and the bank containing the event that causes the issue, we’ll be able to investigate them to determine the case of the problem.
In the mean time, I recommend checking the event in FMOD Studio to see if it has any unusual or invalid content, then rebuilding your master bank and the bank containing the event to see if that fixes the issue.
Unfortunately, without more information, we can’t easily help you with this issue.
If you send us your master bank, strings bank, and the bank containing the event that causes the issue, we’ll be able to investigate them to determine the case of the problem.
Did you rebuild both the bank containing the event and the master bank after replacing the event?
It could potentially be any incorrectly-encoded UTF-8 format content in your bank, but would most likely be the name of an event, asset, instrument, or other piece of content whose name you can freely set.