A post was split to a new topic: Dedicated server crash on UE4.26
Hi, After upgrading to UE 4.26 and fmod 2.01.10, we are still experiencing this issue - dedicated server crash with misaligned pointer. We tried full (binaries, intermediate, saved etc.) clean and rebuild but with no luck. Fmod 2.01.09 does the same.
How can we delay the loading of the master bank?
Is there a way to disable loading the master bank at all on server?
At this point the master bank is always loaded when the system is initialized, even on dedicated servers. The only thing the integration will currently do for dedicated servers is init the system in ‘no sound’ mode.
Are you able to share any logs you may have?
Thank you for the reply.
It turned out we were missing fmod related dlls from our dedicated server which we uploaded with the build and now it works fine.
what fmod dlls did you upload with the server build please ?