Footstep script

Hello everyone,

Im developing a small game on unity and I am going to use Fmod to implement sounds of any sort. But I’m struggling to run a footstep script I found from a tutorial on youtube (Scottgamesounds). the script looks like this:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Footsteps : MonoBehaviour {

     public string InputFootsteps;
     FMOD.Studio.EventInstance FootstepsEvent;
     FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance WoodParameter;
     FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance MetalParameter;
     FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance GrassParameter;

     bool playerismoving;
     public float walking speed
     private float WoodValue;
     private float MetalValue;
     private float GrassValue;
     private bool playerisgrounded;

     void Start ()
         FootstepsEvent = FMODUnity.RuntimeManager.CreateInstance(InputFootsteps);
         FootstepsEvent.getParameter ("Wood", out WoodParameter);
         FootstepsEvent.getParameter ("Metal", out MetalParameter);
         FootstepsEvent.getParameter ("Grass", out GrassParameter);

         InvokeRepeating ("CallFootsteps", 0, walkingspeed);

     void Update () 
         WoodParameter.setValue (WoodValue);
         MetalParameter.setValue (MetalValue);
         GrassParameter.setValue (GrassValue);

         if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") >= 0.01f || Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") >= 0.01f || Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") <= -0.01f || Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") <= -0.01f)
             if (playerisgrounded == true) 
                 playerismoving = true;
             else if (playerisgrounded == false) 
                 playerismoving = false;
         else if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") == 0 || Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") == 0) 
             playerismoving = false;

     void CallFootsteps ()
         if (playerismoving == true) 
         else if (playerismoving == false) 
             //Debug.Log ("player is moving = false");

     void OnDisable ()
         playerismoving = false;

     void OnTriggerStay(Collider MaterialCheck)
         //float FadeSpeed = 10f;
         playerisgrounded = true;

         if (MaterialCheck.CompareTag ("Wood:Material")) 
             WoodValue = 1f;
             MetalValue = 0f;
             GrassValue = 0f;
         if (MaterialCheck.CompareTag ("Metal:Material")) 
             WoodValue = 0f;
             MetalValue = 1f;
             GrassValue = 0f;
         if (MaterialCheck.CompareTag ("Grass:Material")) 
             WoodValue = 0f;
             MetalValue = 0f;
             GrassValue = 1f;

     void OnTriggerExit (Collider MaterialCheck)
         playerisgrounded = false;

The Main (Hopefully the only) problem is the usage of “FMOD.Studio.ParameterInstance” and “.getParameter” that unity doesn’t recognise. I think that libraries of Fmod have changed in the past so I cannot use these instances anymore.

Does anybody how to replace them correctly or have you any good advice to run this script properly?


This is exactly what Visual Studio says

This script will likely work in FMOD 1.10 but not without changes for 2.00 as the Parameter API has completely changed.