Git and FMOD

We’d like to use git for our FMOD studio project. Are there any files we should add to gitignore? For instance, the .cache folder?

Hi mate,
This link goes to Fmods guidelines on source control, give this a read :slight_smile:

TLDR follow the photo below.



Yes, the .cache folder should be added to git ignore as it is updated locally.

Here is an example .gitignore file recommended for Unity projects using FMOD, which can serve as a good reference :

# Never ignore DLLs in the FMOD subfolder.

# Don't ignore images and gizmos used by FMOD in the Unity Editor.
!/[Aa]ssets/Editor Default Resources/FMOD/*

# Ignore the Cache folder since it is updated locally.

# Ignore bank files in the StreamingAssets folder.
# If the source bank files are kept outside of the StreamingAssets folder then these can be ignored.

# Log files can be ignored.

For more details, please refer to the source control documentation

Hope this helps, let me know if you have questions.

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