How it will work in release in user device?

Hello ,
I am new in it . I want to clear doubt .
In local device FMOD studio is installed and it create build .bank and work in Unity . What if we release our project in production on store ? Do we have to deploy .bank build on server or we have to keep .bank build in Unity Asset folder ?

Your bank files contain all information relating to your FMOD project, so they will, in some way, need to be accessible to your build Unity project at runtime in order to play events.

By default, FMOD for Unity will copy your banks into your game’s StreamingAssets folder when building. If you’re using Addressables/Asset Bundles, they will be copied into Unity TextAssets, which are packed into Addressables/Asset Bundles that can be stored and loaded from wherever is desired.

I would recommend reading over the Import Type section of the FMOD for Unity documentation for more info.