How to delay the start time of each sound module/multi?

Hi you guys.

So, I totally thought the “Delay & Quantification” function was delaying the start time of the sound module, when in fact it just means the sound will start to play the remainder of the sound wherever the play head is depending on the interval trigger.

What I’d like to do is set a random interval where the sound module’s start time is randomized within the timeline.

I know this may be confusing, so I made a quick video explaining in short visual detail:–WxFY-R4

Let me know if this is possible. I know I could just export multiple versions of the same sound with different added silence times before the actual sound plays, but that just adds to the memory.

The reason why your sound files aren’t starting from the beginning is that your sound modules are set to be synchronous; Synchronous sound modules always play the part of the waveform that is under the playback position.

If you want your sound files to start playing from the beginning when using delay and quantization, you just need to set the sound modules to be asynchronous. To do this, click on the ‘Async’ button that appears in the deck when the sound module is selected.


Oh wow. Rookie mistake! Thanks so much for this, really!

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I also had this same problem, but first time I clicked Async above the multi clip in the dock it didn’t work.

I ended up clicking about a bit more and it now does work!

Sorry to warm up this thread but is it somehow possible to set the delay time interval in code? I managed to get the programmersounds in code and set a key but i cannot find a way to set the delay time interval, nor can i automate this parameter.

best regards.


Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to do this via code. However, a workaround is using an FMOD Studio | Instrument Reference - Multi Instrument and an FMOD Studio | Instrument Reference - Silence Instrument.

Ensuring to set the loop is set to 2 so that is plays all the instruments in the playlist, this will have to change if you add more instruments (FMOD Studio | Working with Instruments - Looping Instruments). Using the Delay parameter you are able to set the delay via code. Hopefully, this is the behavior you are looking for.

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