How to trigger FMod with Pixel Crushers in Unity

We are using FMod as our main Audio engine in a Unity game build. We use Pixel Crushers for the dialogue system. Does anyone have experience triggering FMod Dialog audio cuts to match text from Pixel Crushers dialog system?


Could I grab some info,
What version of FMOD are you using?
How are you playing the dialog using FMOD? e.g. Programmer instrument (FMOD API | Studio API Guide - Dialogue and Localization)
Could I get a code snippet of how dialogue cuts are handled?

Hi Connor, I believe the programer is using Pixel Crushers for the Dialogue system in Unity. We just finished recording audio from voice actors to match the dialogue. I assume I will need to make parameters that are triggered by certain pixel crushers commands- maybe the dialog lines themselves can be tagged to match FMod parameters we make. We are still planning how to get everything to work together. I check on the FMod version I have. I typically update when I get a notice.


We have a Unity scripting example outlining how to use programmer instruments: Unity Integration | Scripting Examples - Programmer Sounds, which may be useful when planning your implementation.

In the example, input is used to trigger the dialogue audio

void Update()
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
		PlayDialogue("640148main_APU Shutdown");
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
		PlayDialogue("640165main_Lookin At It");
	if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
		PlayDialogue("640169main_Press to ATO");

What I would suggest is using a similar system to call the PlayDialgue() function but triggered by the Pixel Crusher commands. When dialogue is skipped you can use the EventInstance.stop(FMOD.Studio.STOP_MODE.IMMEDIATE) to cut the audio.

Let me know if that helps!

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Thanks for the help! Some of it makes sense to me, but I will get to to our programer, who will completely understand the script lol. I really appreciate the help!


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All good, if you have any more questions please do not hesitate to ask!