I cannot reproduce this exception on our test devices, but we frequently have the following exceptions sent to Unity performance reports service:
SystemNotInitializedException: FMOD Studio initialization failed : Calling initialize : ERR_OUTPUT_INIT : Error initializing output device.
Occurring on all versions of iOS and devices, with FMOD 1.09.06
Any idea why it couldn’t initialize the output device ?
The only other issue I can think of is if the app is suspended/sent to the background while it is starting up (during FMOD’s initialization). To avoid this you can enable the settings for background audio which will allow FMOD to init if suspended, but will still pause the sounds due to Unity and code in the RuntimeManager.cs.
The error isn’t reproducible, but is fairly common. We’re seeing it during development with a small number of users. Any more feedback on what is going on would be appreciated ( or confirmation of a fix ).
Previously if the system failed to init, every time you tried to access it you would get an exception, making it hard to determine the cause.
In the latest versions, 1.09.08 & 1.10.00, we changed it to throw the exception once and then set the system to no sound mode. This is not a fix, just nicer.
I’m not sure what the fix would be without seeing more information on the specific error as there could be a number of causes. The couple I mentioned above are just the most common, and are out of our control to ‘fix’.
This should provide more information about the errors. If you could provide the log files, either here or to support@fmod.com, we can take a look for you.
Any progress on this so far?
I’m also getting this error from Unity performance reporting:
FMOD Studio initialization failed : Calling initialize : ERR_OUTPUT_INIT : Error initializing output device.
In FMOD Studio version 1.09.07 we limited the number of exceptions thrown from this issue by re-initializing in no sound mode. This is by no means a fix for the cause of the exception but it does stop the error spam.
We currently have a solution planned for a future release, although it does require reworking some of the LowLevel init system for iOS, unfortunately we don’t have a time frame for this at the moment.
Hello Cameron! I’m doing a little research, trying to decide whether to use FMOD for an iOS project. Would you happen to have an update on this issue? Thank you!