I cant figure it out.
I have a “tunnel reverb” snapshot. two at each entrance.
One is trigger the snapshot, and nothing on exit.
the other is stop the snapshot, and nothing on entry.
but it doesnt seem to be working.
When I have the tunnel ambient group set to infinite, and then the snapshot never turns off. regardless of the second collider out of the tunnel.
When I have the tunnel ambient group set to 2 instances and stealing either oldest or furthest, the first ones work but then none of the others do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
When stopping the snapshot, how are you specifying which instance of that snapshot to stop?
thanks for the quick reply joseph. how do I buy you a beer lol
here are screenshots of how my triggers are setup for enter and exit
In fmod, if I play an event, then use the snapshot it works great. Just something about my implementation isnt working properly.

From your screenshot, it looks like you have two different event emitters. The first of these emitters is set up to stop playing when you enter the box collider, the second is set to start playing when you enter the box collider.
Each of these emitters represents a different instance of the snapshot - so you’ve got one snapshot instance that’s told to start but never told to stop, and another snapshot instance that’s told to stop but never told to start. That seems entirely consistent with the behavior you’re described.
Instead of having a separate box collider for the snapshot at each end of the tunnel, try having one long box collider that fills the entire tunnel. Give this box collider a single event emitter that starts on trigger enter and stops on trigger exit.
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Ah right! ok awesome thanks joseph, what you explained with the snapshot setup is exactly whats happening. Makes sense now
in terms of the single collider, yeah I thought of that, thanks.
The issue is for complex pipe-like tunnels and caverns, that without modelling some complex shapes myself, would be really hard to fill every gap.
Is there anything else you can think of to help aid me in this method you just described, in complex shaped tunnels, without modelling anything hehe?
When you create an event (or snapshot) instance, you receive a handle to that instance that you can use to interact with that instance subsequently.
For an example of how to use these handles, see https://www.fmod.com/docs/2.03/unity/examples-basic.html.
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